Merry Christmas from

wishing you all a

We wish you a very Merry Christmas from all of us at  We pray that you focus on the true Reason for this incredible season and are spending time with friends and loved ones this year!

We will take a short break over the Christmas holidays and be back with fresh content, podcasts, and another new blog in the New Year!

The Tension is Real Podcast – Episode 12: Christmas Tension

Welcome to The Tension is Real Podcast. A podcast dedicated to real discussion about the TENSION that exists between Life and Faith and how to embrace it so we can live with purpose and freedom.

Today’s Topic – Christmas Tension
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showmethemoneyIt’s the end of the year, so why not talk about the thing that NO ONE enjoys talking about. Churches and Money! I love that part in Jerry Maguire when he’s so desperate – he gives into unabashedly yelling “Show Me The Money!!!”

There is often a considerable amount of TENSION that exists when it comes to this subject. Some feel it because they don’t understand WHY the church wants their money. Some feel it because they religiously give to their local church and struggle with those “free-loaders” who are enjoying the benefits that their local church offers, but are refusing to invest in it. Some just struggle personally with how much to give (before tax, after tax, what percentage, what fixed amount), and some simply struggle with HOW many churches try to manipulate people into giving more (and more, and more).

I understand this tension from a different perspective. I’m a pastor. I literally see people’s entire body clench up when I bring up the topic of money. It’s actually quite a sight to see.

[Tweet “I’m a pastor. I literally see people’s entire body clench up when I bring up the topic of money.”]

I lead an amazing church. I manage a large budget that is 100% dependent on God using the obedience and generosity of folks within the church to fund that budget (staff, ministry, missions, etc). It’s a challenge. I LOVE talking about the blessing of stewardship… when the church is doing fine. I really struggle to talk about giving when the church is behind in it’s budget.

So the tension is real, no matter who you are in a church.

[Tweet “The Tension is REAL no matter who you are in a church when MONEY is discussed.”]

So let’s talk about it.

Continue reading ““SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!””