My ONE WORD #whatif


Every year, I choose ONE WORD that I feel God is giving me to use for the year to help filter my goals/resolutions.

2016 will be the year of “What if?”  #whatif

“What if?” unlocks the power of possibilities in your life!  It is the difference between almost doing something (which is nothing) and taking a step into your future.

With every #whatif possibility – fear will also show up.  Fear of the unknown…fear of being wrong… fear of failure!

[Tweet “With every #whatif possibility – fear of failure will also show up!”]

However, if your goal in LIFE is to avoid FAILURES, then you have NO LIFE!

[Tweet “”If your goal in LIFE is to avoid FAILURES, then you have NO LIFE!””]

I’m looking forward to sharing more of my#whatif ideas, goals, and projects with you this year.  Stay tuned!


Never Again Lose 45 minutes on Social Media

I went on Facebook to share a picture of Charlee with friends… and 45 min later I’m laughing at a video of a cat freaking out when a lizard sneaks up behind it!

I can’t tell you exactly what I did for that 45 minutes. I’m sure I’ve seen some post, commented on some friends stuff, maybe even shared something. But seriously… 45 minutes?

I don’t know what your goals or resolutions are for 2016, but I’m a pretty driven person. I’ve got HUGE dreams for 2016 and none of them are going to happen if I’m losing 45 minutes engaged in the never ending vortex of social media.

[Tweet “My BIG DREAMS won’t happen if I’m losing 45 minutes engaged in the never ending vortex of social media.”]

Don’t get me wrong – I love social media. I love the connectivity and I’m a huge fan of the multiple pieces of technology that allow me to access it during the day. However, I never want to be a SLAVE to my technology. It’s a tool. I’m in control of how and when I use a tool!

[Tweet “I never want to be a SLAVE to my technology. It’s a tool. I’m in control of how and when I use a tool!”]

So here’s my solution for NEVER again losing 45 minutes on Social Media. I’ve already been doing this for the past week, and I’m about 90% successful so far.

Continue reading “Never Again Lose 45 minutes on Social Media”

New Year – New Book – Need Help!

As a part of my ongoing desire to bring up topics and discuss areas of TENSION that exist between LIFE and FAITH, I’ve had a book idea that I feel compelled to explore.

However, to be truthful, I’m not really an author (in a traditional sense). I love conversation, and my writing is more conversational by nature. I’d rather discuss, bring up questions, and state simple yet complex truths that cannot be easily explained through a monologue style of writing. This is just who I am.

Nevertheless, the more I counsel, coach, and lead in the various organizations I’m involved in, the more I feel the overwhelming desire to write some content specifically about the nature of FEAR in our lives and the FEARLESS call to live a life of Faith.

[Tweet “The more I speak with others, the more I’m compelled to write about FEAR and the FEARLESS life we are called to live”]

I would LOVE your HELP!

Continue reading “New Year – New Book – Need Help!”

Comfort Zones and FEAR

Art by @sylviaduckworth, thought by @OscarNowick
Art by @sylviaduckworth, thought by @OscarNowick

A couple of weeks ago – this cartoon infographic showed up in my news feed. I read it several times and decided that this was the PERFECT lead-in to my FIRST blog post of the NEW YEAR!

Why is there so much TENSION when we step outside of our “comfort zone?”

Simple. FEAR!

As a matter of fact, the TWO most important steps in the above graphic are #3 and #6.

Continue reading “Comfort Zones and FEAR”